Is Keto Bad For Your Heart? Cardiologists Weigh In

TLDR; Keto diets for weight loss has been shown as being associated with increased LDL (bad cholesterol) levels

Ryan Monahan

Ryan Monahan

REDCON1 | Chief Marketing Officer

Is keto bad for your heart?  The keto diet is a high-fat, low carbohydrate plan that has been shown to help with weight loss and blood sugar control. Some studies do show positive short term effects, but there are also concerns about heart health when on this type of eating habit, which could lead you to have diabetes or another condition in the future because it may affect your cholesterol levels greatly over time if not monitored properly by an experienced doctor.

It is important to note that in most studies, keto diets for weight reduction have been shown to be associated with increased LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.



Is keto bad for your heart

Photo by Dương Hữu on Unsplash

Is keto bad for your heart and arteries?

The bad cholesterol, LDL is the cause of heart disease (cardiovascular disease). It builds up fatty deposits within your arteries that reduce or block blood flow and oxygen delivery to our hearts resulting in chest pain or even a heart attack.

Is the keto diet bad or cause atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis is a condition that causes the arteries to become hard and narrow, limiting how much oxygen gets into your heart. It can lead not only there but also elsewhere in our bodies, such as kidney failure or poor circulation.



Is keto bad for blood pressure

Photo by Artur Łuczka on Unsplash

Is keto bad for blood pressure?

When you lose weight while on the keto diet can help lower your cardiovascular risk factors. This is because it reduces obesity, high blood pressure, and LDL cholesterol in some cases to HDL – which protects against heart disease.



Who should not do keto

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Who should not do keto and possibly even other restrictive diets?

The keto diet is not for everyone — especially anyone with heart disease risk or coronary heart disease. If you have kidney damage, are at risk of heart disease or pregnant/nursing then it’s best to avoid this eating plan because there could be negative side effects on your health. Especially anyone who has a pancreatic condition, pre-exisiting liver health issues, or anyone who has had their gallbladder removed.




What disease is keto good for

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What disease is keto good for?

Keto is good for obesity and diabetes

Ketogenic diets have been used for a variety of health conditions, including obesity and diabetes.

Keto is good help for controlling seizures

Ketosis, a state of high fat and low carb intake, has been used to treat epilepsy in patients who suffer from poorly controlled seizures. This brain based treatment works by changing how our bodies get energy which impacts its functioning on the ketogenic diet.



Can keto diet cause heart palpitations

Photo by Fabian Møller on Unsplash

Can keto diet cause heart palpitations?

The keto diet can cause heart palpitations. This may be due to the lack of water and salt content in your body when on this eating plan – it requires a lot from fats or proteins, which require lots more fluids for digestion than carbs do (a fact that can lead you into dehydration). Additionally- since these foods tend not only to increase urine output but also make people pass MORE waste through their bowels.



high cholesterol in keto

Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash

Four ways to lower your LDL and avoid high cholesterol in keto?

1) Limit the fat you add in your coffee

Avoid or at least reduce adding butter, coconut fat, or MCT oil to your coffee when you are not hungry. This has been found to help normalize elevated keto cholesterol levels.

2) Try an intermittent fasting diet

Intermittent fasting can help reduce cholesterol levels. You should only eat when hungry.

3) Eat more unsaturated fats than saturated fats

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and avocados (healthy fats) are great sources for lowering your LDL cholesterol levels. This healthier alternative can make a difference by reducing saturated fat.

4) Increase your carbs

Consider whether a more liberal low-carb diet (e.g., 50–100 grams of carbs per day) by increasing your carbohydrate intake. You may find that it also lowers cholesterol levels.

Can you do keto with high blood pressure?

When an obese person loses weight, it’s not just their metabolism that improves. Other metabolic markers tend to improve too- including inflammation and cholesterol levels.

It has long been known that a low carb diet can help people with high blood pressure helping cardiovascular health improve. There are even some cases where it may be able to reduce or eliminate the need for medication.

What happens to your cholesterol when you go on a keto diet?

Ketogenic diets are known to help reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and total cholesterol levels.

A study in 2018 showed that when compared with control groups who did not follow any diet restrictions at all or merely ate carbohydrates instead of fat like an oily fish dinner on occasion-those following keto lost weight while still having improved liver function as well.

Should I go on a keto diet if you have high cholesterol?

No. You should not pursue a keto diet if you have kidney disease, liver disease, or high cholesterol in your family because it could worsen these conditions.

Can keto cause high cholesterol?

According to the American Heart Association, a study by the University of Iowa, researchers found that when people eat more saturated fats, their LDL cholesterol goes up. This is because all animal lardy food contains lots of fatty acids which are known to raise cholesterol when consumed in large quantities.

Do cardiologists recommend the keto diet?

The keto diet has been called a “mistake” that leads people away from healthy eating and instead toward nutrient-deficient foods. One prominent New York cardiologist disagrees, however; he says the high fat/low carbohydrate plan is better than what most Americans consume today because it gives your body enough energy without relying on glucose stores or rushing out to get more carbs when you run low.